Leading geotechnology scientists discussed global challenges of mining science

From the 24th till the 28th of May Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University hosted the 11th International Conference Combined Geotechnology. Leading scientists in geotechnology discussed currently relevant issues of development of combined geotechnology. This year the conference is devoted to risks and global challenges related to exploitation and conservation of mineral resources.

A current state of exploitation of mineral resources is characterized by facing global challenges greatly influencing development of a mining complex: from the pandemic and an unstable global market till natural industry-related catastrophes. Therefore, there is a need for minimizing risks of global challenges for efficient development of combined geotechnologies.

Seeking solutions to currently important tasks in mining was discussed at the conference Combined Geotechnology, whose participants included well-known Russian and foreign geotechnical engineers, rock mechanics engineers, geoecologists, ore enrichment specialists and metallurgists representing mining and metallurgical companies of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

This year the conference participants were from Australia, Chile, Peru, Germany, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Russia. Scholarly discussions were held in a combined format - online and offline.

As part of the conference, applicants for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of engineering sciences presented their theses on combined geotechnology prepared for defense.

Following the results of the conference, the best reports will be prepared and published in Proceedings of Tula State University. Earth Sciences cited in the Web of Science.

The conference organizers included the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.

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