To China for Knowledge


On 11th July, a group of NMSTU Management & Logistics students travelled to Dalian in China to study at NEUSOFT Institute of Information. For two years, our students will study logistics, finance, IT and the Chinese and English languages at this prestigious private institution.

In their fourth year the students will study back in Magnitogorsk. And once they have defended their graduation papers, which they will have to do both in Russian and Chinese, they will be awarded two diplomas – one by NMSTU and one by NEUSOFT. Such mode of study has been introduced as part of the double degree programme deployed across the Russian education system. Since the course in logistics is taught in Chinese, in their first year the students were learning Chinese at NMSTU. And now they are taking up a special course in Chinese at the NEUSOFT Institute in China, which will last till 1st September when the main course of study is to kick off.

The city of Dalian is a striking place with its grand scale and rapid rhythm of life. A look at this rapidly developing splendid modern city helped drive away all the fatigue of a long flight.

Notably, the NMSTU students are not the only Russian students studying at the NEUSOFT Institute. Students from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering are learning the science of logistics alongside the NMSTU students following the same curriculum, which was agreed with the NEUSOFT Institute.

Let’s wish our students to embrace new challenges, settle in the new environment, develop excellent professional skills, but also to explore the Chinese culture, get an insight into the Chinese business culture and build numerous international connections, which can be so helpful to logistics professionals.

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